The shit has hit the fan. Many of you have grasped that and follow the instructions to self-isolate and limit social contacts. Well done, congratulations and thank you. There are unfortunately still many others, who continue pretending that corona virus is nothing but a flu. Needless to say, most of these jackasses know shit about medicine, science or biology. Pardon my French! Yet, they spread their gospel on all forums and comments sections. Who are they?
It is no mystery that we live in a narcissistic society, where the most important person in this world is a given individual or a group of individuals. Narcissists. Rules that apply to the general population don’t apply to them. Why would they? Nobody tells a narcissist what to do, or god forbid, what not to do. If they want to go out for coffee or a beer with their gang, they will do so. No force in the world will prevent them from doing so, because just who do you think you are telling them what to do? Have I mentioned they know best, even about things they have absolutely no f…ing clue about? Their motto in life is “I can do whatever I want to, I am omnipotent and the smartest.” They are convinced a virus, sorry, a mild flu, will never catch them. But just in case it did, those who can, board a private jet and fly off to some distant location, pretending they’re safe there. It doesn’t even occur to them they might be infected and not yet showing signs. They don’t consider for a second that they might spread the virus to the more vulnerable populations or to other people in countries where the health systems is much weaker than in their own countries. Incidentally, should these narcissists so much as sneeze, they will go running to their doctors, demanding they preform tests on them and focus all attention on them, because they deserve priority treatment. All the others can die as far as they’re concerned. Sorry, I’m talking nonsense, they will run to the ER, because their lives are at risk, you know coronavirus and that, and they need full medical treatment, not just a consult and a prescription. Wait, I’m confused now, wasn’t it just some mild flu? Well, yes, so long it was someone else’s problem. Bottom line, even when you feel like you’re helpless, on the verge of emotional meltdown, confused, scared and anxious, don’t be a narcissist. Instructions are clear, contact numbers are made available, help is available if you really need it. Just don’t make it all about you and your fussing, when so many people in dire need might be refused treatment because of your selfishness, insecurity or plain stupidity. Please, don’t be a narcissist!
Katarina's LIFE Principle:“If we want to change the world, we need to talk about the elephant in the room. That is why I love real people who say what they mean and mean what they say. No fluff, no lies and no pretence.”
December 2024
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