So many people unnecessarily fret about problems and conflicts and little things that don't truly matter. They agonize over it, lose sleep over it, feel anxious or depressed, even hopeless sometimes. They feel that life keeps throwing them a curveball for reasons unknown. They feel like victims of some grand scheme, always on the losing side. However, all they need is a change of perspective.
Problems are a part of life. There's no need denying it. Just like the sun doesn't always shine, so too, life can't be peachy all the time. True, some people do seem to have a larger share of problems to solve, compared to others. Some are perhaps really born under an unlucky star. Yet, there are few people whose destiny is that bleak and unavoidable. For most of us, life is actually pretty good if we think about it. There will always be things that upset us, other people who get on our nerves, situations we'd rather avoid, calamities that we certainly never wanted to experience. Much can be prevented or averted in life, but some things, situations or people seem to follow us. And they will continue following us in one shape or form until we learn how to let go of our script patterns and start reacting differently. Our first response is almost always to complain, feel sorry or angry. Why, oh why do I have to be dealing with this? Why is this happening to me? Well, maybe because we need to learn a lesson. One of the biggest lessons in life is to deal with adversity of all kinds, with life management if we put if short and simple. Why waste time complaining and worrying if we can grab the proverbial bull by the horns and get busy resolving the issue? Another reason people stress frequently is the fear. Sometimes a specific fear, sometimes a fear of the unknown. Sometimes they even fear feeling afraid. The best way to defeat fear is to face it. More often than not, our greatest fears never come true. And if they do, they're not half as bad as we expected them to be. Mostly, we survive them which in turn makes us liberated of an unknown power that was holding a grip on us, and it makes us stronger. So, to wrap up this year, I invite you to take some time for contemplation and introspection. Turn inwards and tune out the external noise. Reflect on what it is that is worrying you or freaking you out. Analyse the problems and fears, deconstruct them, take them apart bit by bit. Take a look at them from a third person's perspective and ask yourself: "If I only had one more year to live, would I worry about that specific issue?" Most likely you wouldn't. Stop wasting time, energy and emotional fuel for things that don't deserve a second of your attention. Choose your battles wisely. Let go of everything that's bringing you negative energy. Face your fears, admit defeat, if need be, stop clinging to things that are bringing you down. You deserve to be happy in life, carefree and liberated of fears. Focus on yourself, not on other people. You can't change other people or make them love you, you can't make them understand, you can't convince them. Live life as you want it not as others dictate you to. Stop being the victim. Get out of that mode. If you've painted yourself into a corner, you can paint yourself out of it. Enter the new year without old baggage. You have the power to break the ties that bind you to old traumas and negative people. Remember, you are the one creating your own destiny. Have faith in yourself.
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Katarina's LIFE Principle:“If we want to change the world, we need to talk about the elephant in the room. That is why I love real people who say what they mean and mean what they say. No fluff, no lies and no pretence.”
December 2024
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